
Thursday, June 9, 2016

My Top 5 Beauty Tips

5.  Use Conditioner To Shave

Instead of shaving cream, I prefer using either plain old hair conditioner or Coochy Cream to shave my legs.  Coochy Cream is actually made for (surprise!) shaving your downstairs area, but the bottle literally says that it can be used as hair conditioner.  I decided to shave with it on my legs as well, and I absolutely love how silky smooth it makes them.  Coochy Cream can run kind of expensive, so it might be more worth it to use a grocery store hair conditioner in its place.  The result of using conditioner instead of shaving cream or -gasp- just water is that your legs will end up much smoother.  Another good tip for great legs is to replace your razor blade often.

4.  Clean Your Brushes

Clean your makeup brushes at least once a week.  I like to use actual makeup brush cleaner, but face wash can work too.  Cleaning your brushes is super important, because it helps clear away any bacteria that may be hanging out, and that will help keep your skin happy and healthy.  Whenever I clean my makeup brushes, I also like to clean out my hairbrush.  It doesn’t take very long, and it’s definitely worth doing regularly.

3.  Use Primer Before Makeup

For the longest time, I didn’t use primer.  Partly because I didn’t really know what it was and partly because I didn’t think it really did anything.  But I started to realize that my makeup would fade away throughout the day, and I always felt self-conscious about it.  I also touch my face a lot (bad Luna!), and that probably didn’t help my situation.  I eventually gave in and tried a drug store brand primer, and it was decent.  It helped keep my makeup on, but when I touched my face, it came away almost an ugly gray color.  I finally spent a little extra on a fancy brand from Sephora called Hangover RX primer by Too Faced, and I love it.  It makes my face super smooth, and it keeps my makeup on all day.  And the best part is that it doesn’t wipe away when I touch my face, only with makeup remover.

2.  Lotion, Then Socks

When I was younger, I couldn’t stand the feeling of lotion inside my socks.  But now, it’s like a miracle.  I like to slather lots and lots of smell-goody lotion on my feet, then put on fuzzy socks (you know the kind I’m talking about).  Keeping the lotion contained like that definitely helps make my feet a lot softer.  Maybe someday, they’ll be as soft as Arie’s.  :)

1.  Wash Your Face

This is the most important tip that I can offer.  Every morning, I use a face wash given to me by my dermatologist.  If that’s not an option, I would recommend trying out a few different face washes to see what kind you like and what works best for different skin types.  Now, here comes the absolute most important part about this tip:  Wash your face before bed.  Every night.  It washes all the dirt, makeup, and bacteria away so your face has a chance to relax while you sleep.  If I don’t shower at night, I make sure to wash my face anyway.  I also use acne cream afterwards, another product I got from my dermatologist called Aczone.  I really like sleeping with face lotion, because I have very dry skin on my face (like, seriously, it gets flaky and gross sometimes).  So no matter how tired you are, ALWAYS WASH YOUR FACE BEFORE BED.

So go forth, and make yourself even more beautiful.  <3

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